Student Solution


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WSJ Article 4

WSJ Article 4

Q You will submit an original post (a critique of the WSJ article; 40 points) and two replies to other student's critiques (30 points). 1. Read a WSJ (Wall Street Journal) article that reports on a topic related to corporate social responsibility and or is related to the week’s textbook chapter reading. 2. Succinctly, write a critique of the article in this discussion forum. o The approximate length of a discussion forum response should be about 200 words, 20 lines. o Succinctly summarize the article that you have selected. o Write about the impact of what you have read on the triple bottom line (e.g., profit, people, planet). 3. Read and comment on two (2) additional student posts from this week.

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In the WSJ article titled , “Coronavirus Sick-Leave Bill Raises Concern Over Small-Business Burden”, there has been concern raised on the ways in which small businesses can be run for paying salary/remuneration to the employees (Davidson, 2020). This is because small-businesses are undergoing great losses because of the shutdowns in businesses. The major concern is the way in which the American government has instructed all the employers to make provisions for paid sick leaves for every employee (Davidson, 2020).